Loving the Combination
I Did It...
Papillon de Fleur

Paying Forward

Maybe Some Mojo...
Being Creative...

Creative Inspiration
Try, Try Again...
Here is what I created (and I have more ideas floating...just figuring out how to get them out still).

You can find it on my eBay here: Dec. 25th
Here's hoping that someone else wants it as much as I do :) I want to have time and motivation to be creative again, and unfortunately, that drive gets boosted when I know someone else enjoys my work! It's a vicious cycle I tell you...
I have been a single parent for 3 days now, and it is time for my husband to come home so I can get a decent nights sleep. I think the kids are ready for a real meal too. No more leftovers or "quick" food. Other wise, life has been quiet and routine. I think we are settling in for winter :)
Have a great Wednesday! The week is almost over!!
A Perfect Sunday...
- sit and browse for creative inspiration
- too much coffee (is there such a thing?)
- snacking instead of meal preparation
- creative endeavors
- and I am now heading off to read and soak in a hot bath!
Butterflies and Smoke
Harmless Butterfly Collection
I have been wanting to make one of these for a long time now. The planning was there. The supplies were there, I just never seemed to remember it when I had a few minutes to be creative.
Now it's done. The perfect butterfly collection. No butterflies were harmed in the making of this collage :)
If you would like to see more photos of it (or have one for your own space) you can find it here:
Harmless Butterfly Collection
We had four days off this weekend. I'm not sure where they all went. I would like them back!! Next break...Thanksgiving. I'm not counting or anything :)
Have a great week,
Strawberries, Cantelope, and Blueberries
They would make a fun charm bracelet :)
It looks like the weather may be easing up on us this weekend. We shall see what adventures are in store.
I'm thinking up more ideas...but they may not be clay. Who knows. We will see what catches my attention first :)
Happy Long Weekend,
My First Treasury!

A treasury is just a fun way to showcase work that has been listed on the site. As a seller, you can show one of your pieces and the other 11 are other artist.
You can see my treasury collection here: Art Class
It will be listed until Sunday morning. They expire after 3 days.
Fun and beautiful at the same time!! :)
Happy Thursday,
Holy Snow!

Sweet Goodies...

You can view her items at a site called "Main Street". She made it look good :)
It has been a good weekend. I went to Missoula on Friday. Spent the evening out with my sister and then did a 5K race on Saturday. Jessie and I walked it, but it was still fun. We finished in 51 minutes. Not bad for walking and not running. Next year, our plan is to jog it!
It's been a lazy Sunday, but I painted a BUNCH of trinkets. Cyra made breakfast cookies. I'm about to stuff some mushrooms to go with our Sticky Drunk Pig on a Stick. It's been a good day ;)
Have a great week,