Skipping Seasons...

I'm not sure where my brain went this weekend, but it sure wasn't in the direction of fall.

Blossoms. Pinks and greens.

There was nothing fall about any of my choices. Maybe I am in denial about this seasons change. I thought I was looking forward to I am just looking forward to clean air. Rain. Snow. I don't care. Let's just get it cleaned up!

Bunco last night. We have officially gone back into school mode. It's only once a month. My joke is that I pay $10 a month to have friends. I don't win. This is my 3rd year of playing. I've never even been the biggest loser. My score is always really happy being dead center, or one behind something that pays. Oh well. They are good friends for $10 :)

Here's my "Not so Fall" gift to you today:

Fun Blossoms: Digital Stamp

Fun Blossoms: Clip Art and Cutting Files

Click HERE to download.

You can download them both, or just the one that you will use the most :) Your choice. The link will take you to the page you just click the buttons.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!


  1. They are sweet flowers. Thank you...

  2. What pretty flowers! Thank you so much for sharing them!
    I rarely win at games, but I still like to play them! I think losing builds character! (At least that's what I'll tell myself! lol!)
    So glad you have fun playing; I think the fun with friends is the most important part! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing these wonderful flowers! Norma W

  4. Thank you so much for these beautiful flowers! You are so sweet to share these with us.
