Dress Up Time...


Thought I would share some of my homework, since that seems to be all I get to do lately. Am I done yet?!

We had to choose a character idea and have someone model different poses for us. I let Kyla play in my  wedding dress:

Probably my most favorite out of all the drawings I have done for this class. I have a comic to write as well...I'll share that when it's all done too :)

Okay. I'm off to be good and get some more drawing done. Really wish I was drawing for fun instead...



  1. I especially like that last drawing - a lovely pose and beautifully captured!

  2. My favorite is the second but they are all wonderful

  3. Trying on wedding dresses have a way of tranporting girls back to when they were 4 yr old watching mom putting on make up. I like the sketch with her holding the mirror and her hair is coming out of the bun a little, pretty.

  4. I'd give you an "A" for the class.
