Oh how I wish my tone came through when you were reading my words
some days. Or maybe it's better that it doesn't.
We quote movies and cartoons. A lot. And they pop in my head while I'm writing. Sounds funny to me. Just regular words for you. Oh well. A draw back, but not a major one :)
**the title is a comment Daffy made to Bugs in a Looney Tunes episode**
Okay. Back on topic :)
We decided to be spontaneous and drive over the mountain to the grandparents. We only have a couple of weeks of summer left. Time to get a few more adventures in.
While we were eating dinner, Papa presented our first one. He had a surprise in a box downstairs.
Here it is:
Papa used to be involved in raptor rehab. He was the one the Fish and Game brought all injured or sick raptors to (eagles, hawks, owls, kestrels). He retired from it about 9 years ago, but now and then, they still bring him one.
This poor guy was hit by a car. He's improving. Gaining mobility in his legs again. Eyes are dilating better. He makes a popping sound with his beak to warn us away when we start to open the box. And while Papa holds him, he gazes at us all intently.
The kids get to help feed him this morning. We are all hoping his injuries are temporary and he'll be better in no time.
Fascinating to see them in real life (I've had the opportunity a few times now). It fuels the inspiration to keep drawing them.
We are heading out later to go fishing. Who knows what adventures await us?
Have a great day!!