Hot, Hot, Hot...

Montana is heating up this weekend. It's that sticky, hot heat. No refuge from it except water or hiding in the basement watching movies.

We went to the Farm Table for brunch. Yummy mimosas with my meal. We sat out on the deck and looked out on the farm. Beautiful.

Now I'm home and it's sticky in the house too. I am thinking about going to hide with my book. Or maybe a movie and a mimosa :)

My shop
has just hit 75 listings. Lots of fun stuff in there. If you shop between now and the time I hit 100 listings you can use this coupon code for an extra 15% off: RhodaBlog75

I'll deactivate it when I hit 100 listings (because we will have other fun things to celebrate) be sure and get your Sale on now!

And, have you checked out the free download here and on Kitty's blog? Tweeted or Liked on Facebook for a chance to win a $15 gift certificate? Running out of time. Tell your friends and get going. I am going to offer some giveaways as we hit key numbers. Let's get this party rocking!!

Happy Hot Sunday,


Choices, Choices

Who knew being a bum could be so hard. I can't decide if I want to color on my computer, or read a book.
Should be an easy call. But, I keep bouncing back and forth.


A Discovery of Witches. Have you read it yet? It's been sitting in my bag since the beginning of summer. This book has traveled all over with me. Idaho. Las Vegas. Camping. Visiting. Vacationing. And I still have only read the first page. Not because it isn't good, I'm sure. I just haven't had the impulse to read it. Someone give me a kick in the pants. Tell me why I should walk away from the computer and pick up the book.

Coloring. I have this cute sketch that I made a few weeks ago. It is begging to be colored. I just scanned it. I really want to color it, but I really need to get away from this silly computer for awhile.

Add your thoughts to my pros and cons. Let's see which way I can tip the scale :)


Summer is Sucky...

We were whisking through the grocery store today, and someone asked my son how his summer was.

"Summer is Sucky", he replied.


In the car, I asked him how he could possibly think summer was "sucky". Our list of adventures hasn't been huge, but it's a good size.
  • Horseback Riding
  • Swimming
  • Time with the grandparents
  • Hospice ice cream
  • Fireworks
  • Camping
  • A long stay with my sister (lots more swimming)
  • Carrousel rides in Missoula
  • A hike to the water falls at the lake, and then swimming for the afternoon.
  • Bike rides to the skate park.
  • Playing with friends
I'm starting to get irritated. That list sounds really good. Better than I thought I was doing. He says "I just said that because I'm ready for school to start again".


Then, why didn't you just say that instead?!

It's a Two For One Day

Hello there!

Are you ready for some fun goodies?

I have the honor of being featured on A Law Student's Journey today. We are working together to bring you some fun freebies and a chance to win a $15 gift certificate.

If you came to my blog from hers, you already know all the details. If you just stumbled on me, or are one of my followers, then you might want to head over to her blog to check out the details (and get the other free download!).

Here is your free kit from me. Exclusive to my blog. You won't find it anywhere else :)
You can download it here: Rhoda's Giveaway Kit

Nice to have you all here :) Look around. There are some other free downloads and fun things in my previous posts.

Have a great day! And thank you Kitty for featuring me on your blog. You rock!


Psst. It's a Surprise!

Are you reading this?

I have a little secret. But I can't keep it all to my self for much longer!

There are going to be some fun things posted in the next day or two. Free things, and an opportunity for a gift certificate...

Will you be ready?

Shh. It's Quiet...

Finally. A day to just be creative.

The kids are off playing.

The hubby is in his shop.

And me? I'm working on fun things to add to my blog and shop. Surprises and treats before the end of the week.

Are you ready?


Plants, Zombies, and More Plants

It's been a crazy two weeks. I've only been home in my own bed for about 2 days out the past 14.

And even with all the crazy, I have been extra creative. Not sure what I will do now that I am heading home and all my ideas are completed.

Think up more ideas I guess :)

Here are my latest creations...

These plants were fun. Time consuming, but fun. There are 16 of them total (not even close to all of the seed packets in the almanac, but I was starting to dream Plants and Zombies. Time to move on to another project).

The Zombies make me laugh. My favorite is the Disco Zombie. Love the goldfish in his platform shoe!!

Let me know what you think.

And if you have any suggestions for new projects, I'm all ears :)


Frames, Frames, and More Frames

It's Tuesday. And I am traveling again. This time I'm in Southern Idaho picking up my kids. They spent the week with my sister.
I have a date with my niece at Barnes and Noble. So excited. Coffee and books!!

Because it's been so crazy, I haven't made any free templates. But I do have some frames. You get to take your pick:

Sand Frames

Download one. Download three. Your choice. A great variety to mix and match on any of your projects :)

Happy Tuesday,

What's in the Works?

It's a creative Sunday. At least for the morning...

Then, I am on the go again. Here's hoping August is calm :)

And what's in the works today?

A little sketching, a little Illustrator CS5 work. More goodies for my shop.

I know most people are addicted to Angry Birds. My addiction is Plants VS Zombies. I am not a zombie fan in general, but this game swallowed me whole. I couldn't stop until I passed it. And those nasty little cartoon zombies grew on me. So, I acknowledge them by creating clip art of them :)

Coming a neighborhood near you.


It's Addicting

Have you played Angry Birds yet?

It's one of those games that you get stuck playing. You know you should stop. You want to stop. But you can't help flinging just one more bird.

And wondering, what the next level will bring. Can you pass it in one try? Or will you be stuck on it and become Angry yourself?

I keep seeing little Angry Birds everywhere. T.V. commercials. On peoples devices while they walk around.

I couldn't help it.

I had to draw them!

The little blue one is my favorite. Not sure why, but he just makes me smile :)


P.S. If you would like to see some other clip art, check out my Etsy Shop.

Smokin' Deal

I'm offering a deal on Heartsy.
The catch?
You have to vote for the deal if you want it. Who doesn't like a sale or discount?
I'm offering a sweet discount, if you vote "Definitely" on Heartsy, my deal will go through.

Heartsy - Exclusive deals on fabulous handmade designer items at members-only prices.

Click on the image to be taken to my submission. Vote "Definitely". When I get enough votes, it will be reviewed and made into a deal.

Thank you for your support :)


Las Vegas Baby!

It's been one adventure after another this week.

Friday, we drove to Stanley to meet my sis. We camped for two days. So cold the first night that there were layers of ice in our water containers.
A day of sunshine and fun by the lake.
Another night of camping. Less cold, little more comfortable, or we were all just really really tired. S'mores. Yum!

On Sunday we sent our kiddos home with my sis for the week. Drove home.
Monday morning we drove the other direction. Hopped a plane. Now I am sitting in Vegas, blogging for you.
Sorry no sketch today. It has been a whirl wind. If I get some down time later this afternoon or tomorrow, I will try to get one posted.
I keep getting distracted.
By lights.
And people watching.
And funny tunes on machines.

Off to find some yummy coffee.

Happy Crazy Summer!

100th Post!!

I didn't think that I actually blogged that much. Sheesh!
100 posts is a lot, but that has been over a rather long space of I guess it shouldn't be too shocking.

Fun though. Milestones are always fun.

Shall we celebrate?

If you would like to download this sketch as a .PSD quick page template, you can. A free gift to you :) Just click here!

Or, you can download the image (by clicking on it and saving it) and use it as a sketch for your paper scrapping.

I scrapped again last night. I was going to take a break. Really I was. But figured I would try to get one more done.

I was looking through pictures on my computer, and her swimming suit matched my Splash Papers perfectly. It had to be done :)

I'll be back later with some exciting art news and a link for you to check out.


Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

It's funny how this drink can drive your day sometimes!
And how picky you can be about it's flavor, cream to coffee ratio, and sweetness.


I love mine with a touch of French Vanilla and a splash of milk. And because the caffeine gets to me rather quickly, I make the brew with 1/2 decaf. That way I can drink more. Devious!

How about you? How do you drink yours?

Special coffee cup? I have to have mine. I've even been known to take my favorite cup away from my mother in law when she isn't looking. She forgets what cup is hers all the time, so I dump the coffee from my favorite mug that she is using into a different one. Then I tell her it was her cup all along. Terrible. But coffee just isn't the same without my cup!

To celebrate my love (*cough* addiction *cough*) I created these:

You can see the whole set in my Etsy Shop.

Tomorrow (or the next day...) when I post again, it will be my 100th post!! Holy Cow! How'd that happen?

To celebrate, there should be something fun given away. Who's with me?

Happy Hot Hot Summer Day,


Tuesday Almost Slipped

It almost got away from me!

We drove home this morning. Hit the house like a tornado and ran back out the door. Off to do some yard work for the place I care take for.

The house is clean. I did 3 1/2 hours of weed whacking. Let me say that again. Three and a half hours!
My shoulders are burned. Oops. I put sunscreen on my face, but honestly didn't think I would be out that long. The kicker is, there were two other people weed whacking away for about 2 1/2 of those hours with me! TONS OF WEEDS!!

And in all that green itchy mess, I lost track of the day. I promised a sketch. I mean to deliver :)

I used this template to scrap the layout that I posted yesterday (Toynbee Shadows)

Okay. I'm off to be a vegetable and watch "Knight and Day" with my hubby :)

Happy Tuesday,


Happy 4th of July

It's been a fun 4th of July weekend. Funny that we had the whole weekend to play, and celebrate, and then end the weekend with the actual holiday. Looking forward to the fireworks tonight. All full of Bar-BQ and ice cream :)

I found a few minutes to work on some digi scrapping. Can't stop. Must keep scrapping...

These pictures were from an evening walk that the kids and I took. We were playing around with the camera. I'm glad I finally got them scrapped in some way. Can't wait to print the layout and see it off screen.

The papers and embellishments are from my Taffy Pull paper pack. There are also some fun matching Nested Frames that can be used for digi scrapping, printed labels, tags, and more.

I'll have a fun new layout sketch for you tomorrow. I'm off to play and celebrate our Independence until then :)


Love Being Nerdy

I was messing around and took my blog mobile. Now you can view it nicely on your smart phone! How fun is that?
In the process I learned how to email a post to my blog. This is my test :)
Fingers crossed that I can take my nerdy act on the road. *wink*


Hospice Ice Cream Waffle Cones

I am so excited for the 4th.
There are two times during the year that I HAVE to go home to Salmon. Fourth of July and Fair Time.
Because of the ice cream cones! Homemade waffle cones. They call to me :)
I plan to doodle in my sketchbook while I'm there. And maybe work on a few templates and digital layouts.
Yesterday, I was obsessed with papers. I made 3 new packs. As well as 2 packs of nested frames. Plus, I made an image page for Scrabble Tile Jewelry. That was new and fun.

Have a Sweet Weekend and a safe 4th of July :)
